
Green Foundation Nepal has been facilitating the multi stakeholder dialogues, sustainable resource management

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Green Foundation Nepal has been facilitating the multi stakeholder dialogues, sustainable resource management

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Green Foundation Nepal has been facilitating the multi stakeholder dialogues, sustainable resource management

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Green Foundation Nepal has been facilitating the multi stakeholder dialogues, sustainable resource management

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Who We Are ?

We are here not for income, but for outcome

Green Foundation Nepal is non-profitable social entrepreneurship organization established in 2012 with the vision of Wealthy nation, Healthy natural resources and happy peoples by social and development activists to promote the sustainable management of natural resources (Forest, Land, Water and Agriculture). Green Foundation Nepal has been facilitating the multi stakeholder dialogues, sustainable resource management, and participatory research, and policy and media advocacy, green enterprise development and strengthening the farmers and forest dependent people’s organization since the establishment. The founders and board of directors of the organization have long experiences in the natural resource management and development sectors. The composition of board of directors, working staffs are unique and inclusive.

Our Projects

On Going Projects

Completed Projects

No one has ever become poor by giving

Green Foundation Nepal is non-profitable social entrepreneurship organization established in 2012 with the vision of Wealthy nation, Healthy natural resources and happy peoples by social and development activists to promote the sustainable management of natural resources (Forest, Land, Water and Agriculture).

Our Team

This wonderfull people make it all possible

Ghanashyam Pandey
Chair Person

Ghanashyam Pandey

Green Foundation Nepal is non-profitable social entrepreneurship organization established in 2012 with the vision of Wealthy nation, Healthy natural resources and happy peoples by social and development activists to promote the sustainable management of natural resources (Forest, Land, Water and Agriculture). Green Foundation Nepal has been facilitating the multi stakeholder dialogues, sustainable resource management, and participatory research, and policy and media advocacy, green enterprise development and strengthening the farmers and forest dependent people’s organization since the establishment.

Latest Activities/News

तितेपातीको साबुन बनाएर बने उद्यमी

तितेपातीको साबुन बनाएर बने उद्यमी

लोपोन्मुख बनकरिया समुदायको मुहार फेरिदै मकवानपुरको मजहरी गाउँपालिकामा बसोबास गर्दै आइरहेका अति लोपोन्मुख जाती बनकरिया बस्तिका महिलाहरुले खोलाको किनार र...

“दुःख भुलाएर सामुदायिक वनमा रमाइरहेकी भगवती”

“दुःख भुलाएर सामुदायिक वनमा रमाइरहेकी भगवती”

१३ वर्षअघि श्रीमान गुमाएकी हेटौंडा–८ कमानेकी भगवती कुमारी राना हरेक बिहान सबेरै उठ्छिन् । उनलाई १० बजे अगाडिनै घरधन्दा सकेर...

“रानी सामूदायिक वनले पवित्रालाई बनायो व्यवसायी, कमाउँछिन् मासिक ६० हजार”

“रानी सामूदायिक वनले पवित्रालाई बनायो व्यवसायी, कमाउँछिन् मासिक ६० हजार”

माईती भीमफेदी भएकी पवित्रा रुम्बा अहिले श्रीमान, छोराबुहारी र दुई नातीनीहरुसँग हेटौंडा–६ चौघडाको रक्षादेवी टोलमा बस्दै आएकी छिन् । ४६...

Our Supporting Partners

We are not in for income. We are here for outcome