In the process of finalizing NP Cert: A Forest Certification System Promoted by Green Foundations, pilot test was conducted in five community based managed forest of 4 districts of Nepal from 14th to 18th July 2018.

The pilot test conducted sites are Daneshwor Baikaba Community Forest of Kavrepalanchok, Piple Pokhara Community Forest of Makawanpur, Tilaurakot Collaborative Forest of Kapilbastu, Shree Ganesh Community Forest and Nawadurga Community Forest of Dang districts. Bamboo and fruits were products in Daneshwor Baikaba Community Forest, Wooden Handicraft in Piple Pokhara Community Forest, Timber production and scientific forest management in Tilaurakot Collaborative Forest, Ecotourism (garden / park) in Shree Ganesh community forest and Nursery production in Nawadurga Community Forest besides their social and environmental services in the local community.

Prior to field test, an opening meeting was conducted in Kathmandu briefing to audit party and client, planning of site visits, routes, documents and logistics welcoming International delegate Mr. Avani Kumar Varma as lead auditor from NCCF and Ms. Taruna Singh as auditor from GICIA, India. The pilot test team were composed of Mr. Avani Kumar Varma, Ms. Taruna Singh, Mr Bishnu Prasad Acharya, Ms Ratneshwori Shrestha, Mr. Lila Raj Paudyal, Mr Arjun Chapagain. Mr. Kumud Shrestha, Mrs. Kamala Thapa Magar and Mr. Krishan Prasad Pokharel joined the pilot test in some sites. After completion of field test, a closing meeting was held in Dang,in presence of Mr. Ghan Shyam Pandey, Mayor of Tulsipur Sub Metropolitan City, also chair of Green Foundation Nepal and related stakeholders debriefing about the pilot test.

Green Foundation Nepal thanks to PEFC International, NCCF India, NWG members Nepal, pilot test team, forest officers, district FECOFUN chapters, chairperson and participants of the forest users groups of the respective study districts for the successful completion of the pilot test.