Green foundation Nepal with a long experience in the field of natural resource management, watershed management, and climate change adaption, securing community rights, enterprise development and capacity development conducted a seven days exposure visit from 8th March to 14th March 2020 for Afghanaid team (15 staff). In the course of the preparation for the field trip for the Afghan team different sites were identified namely; Rural Reconstruction Nepal and sharplaneer Project in Madi, Use of biogas and land degradation management activities in Chitwan, visit Gyaneshowr CF, visiting Mayor of Madi Municipality, ICIMOD Knowledge Park and presentation from different specialist on Watershed management.
The visit was aimed to learn about the integrated watershed management in Nepal including both practice-based evaluation methodology and community-based management practices. From the field visit and a plethora of presentation from the experts from GFN, FECOFUN, ICIMOD, DRR specialist from WWF, Ministry of Home Affairs has helped a team to enlarge knowledge and technical practice. During the visit, the team see and enrich the knowledge of organic waste management with the emerging concept of bio gas technology.
Overall the 7 days program was thought to be fruitful and effective in case of learning to the team. It completed successfully. though the estimated time was quite less,the team was able to learn about the key conservation measures: sustainable community forest management, disaster risk reduction, and natural hazard management, water and sediment management, upstream and downstream linkage, and community mobilization and adaptation technique.