Green Foundation Nepal organized a dialogue on the date of 8th November 2015 at Uddhami Ghar on the topic: Forest Enterprise Development and Opportunity for the re-construction in earthquake districts. The program was mainly focused on the Background Paper being prepared and presented by Dr. Sita Aryal, Director of Green Foundation Nepal. The paper contained loss and damage from earthquake and its aftershocks, along with timber production data from earthquake affected districts and the actual demand of timber needed for re-construction in those areas. The paper highlighted forest based enterprise development for construction support as well as improve the livelihood of victim communities may be the option for creating employment opportunity at local level. Beside this, paper elaborated different constraints (policy, planning, and finance) which actually are hindering this development process.
In the discussion round, Mr. Bishwonath Oli from MoFSC stated though sufficient amount of timber is available in earthquake affected area, but forest area are in the risk of being over exploited unless they are used in systematic and wise manner.
Activists from community based forestry put their concern to take the action in a collective way by combining community, private and government sector to have a fruitful result. Many of them pointed sustainable forest management is the must for the enterprise development. Thus it is necessary to make policies (which interferes to work for welfare of community) flexible.
The dialogue was wrapped up and concluded by remarking communities self should be convinced to do enterprise. So, will power also plays the major role.