A Meeting on Global Politics of climate change and forest governance, held on the date of 15th June, 2013 with the objectives to develop the common understanding on global issues of climate change and forest governance at the national and local context, among the different stakeholders. This talk program was supposes to help to share the information and knowledge on climate change and forest governance.
The chief guest of the programme Mr. Hudson, Chair, Board of Directors of Rights and Resources Initiative, gave his presentation on the title, тАЬGlobal trends, politics, forest governance and climate changeтАЭ where he mentioned Forests are part of a bigger complex system, number of major global trends are affecting this system like increasing empowerment of individuals, diffusion of power among states and from states, demographic changes and the growing demands on natural resources.
Different participants from governmnetal, private, non-governmental sectors shared their views regarding the topics. The programme was wrapped up bu Mr. Ghan Shyam Pandey, Chairperson of Green oundation Nepal with his Thanks message.